The Power of One
Our stock trading techniques are designed to generate 1% on a weekly basis with a success rate of 95%+.
When others first hear that we are able to achieve a 1% return on investment they are puzzled. How can 1% make a difference in someone's investment strategy?
1% makes all the difference because when one has mastered the 1% technique, they are now able to recreate that transaction several times per month. In fact, each student utilizing our techniques has demonstrated the ability to identify profitable companies that generate 1% each week. With 52 weeks in a year, the returns are much greater than traditional investing.
Income Generated Trading 1% per Week

You can see most anyone taking advantage of such techniques has a good chance of retiring from their trading within five years depending on how much capital they use.
Market Wealth Academy - Training Courses (**no longer taught to public)
We have built a system that takes responsibility for the student's learning and does not simply provide information or magic software. Our students are from all walks of life and backgrounds, and they succeed because in a short period of time they became virtual trading experts due in part to our one-on-one mentoring.